Metal Gear Solid, developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami, has a unique way to interact with the characters in the game. Solid Snake has the ability to use the "Codec" during his mission in Alaska to stop Metal Gear. To contact the characters in Metal Gear Solid using the codec, the player must press the "SELECT" button on the controller and dial a frequency using the arrows in the codec. This is a complete list of frequencies available in Metal Gear Solid for PlayStation in North America.
The Resident Evil series, developed and published by Capcom has an undying fandom with many gamers around the world. The website is a portal for fans and newcomers to enjoy the series. The Resident Evil Ambassador program is a platform designed for Resident Evil discussions and fans. Details on how to join and become a Resident Evil Ambassador is as follows: - Register as a Capcom ID member. - Sign up for the Resident Evil Ambassador Program on the RESIDENT EVIL PORTAL service. - Ensure you're at least 17 years old . - Turn off any anti-tracking apps/extension on your device/browser before registering. The FY2023 of the ambassador program has officially ended on Mar...
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