Resident Evil, a survival horror video game created by Shinji Mikami and presented by CAPCOM, has one of the most unique unlockable in a video game ever made. During the final showdown with the Tyrant, you are given a powerful weapon to defeat it, the 'Rocket Launcher'! It is possible to use the Rocket Launcher during your playthrough of Resident Evil by unlocking through a specific condition. To unlock the Infinite Rocket Launcher, the following conditions must be met during your playthrough of Resident Evil, complete the game in under 3 hours and without saving. Fulfilling this condition will also give you the Closet Key! I created a video that can serve as a walkthrough for anyone trying to unlock the Infinite Rocket Launcher and Closet key for Resident Evil: PrimeStyleGaming believes Resident Evil is one of the greatest games of all time! The scares, characters, and music are absolutely great! We would strongly urge our readers to pick this game up and give i...
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